Time to introduce the team or as we prefer to call it, the dreamteam. Five as it happens gubbar that will make the journey from The Badwater Basin to Whitney portal together. Four of whom will abuse both fysically and mentally the fifth poor sod. Who at the end of the journey will be immensly grateful for that abuse.
First out, the crew chief Eric “Bacon” Friedman:
“I am a married 40yr old male skydiver with 400 jumps, an ultra runner with double digit hundred mile finishes, a fitness freak focused on healthy eating and spending time in the gym lifting weights and doing cardio, an audio-video distribution manager, a lover of food, cooking and wines and a mma/jiu-jitsu fanatic, a freak for all things bacon and the proud owner of a cat. With all of that said……my preference for how I am to be defined and remembered is to know that, most of all, I am a lover of life and purveyor of positivity. I focus and strive to make a positive impact in the world and lives around me on a moment to moment and day to day basis. My life is meaningless and worthless if I can’t (or don’t) somehow positively impact the people and world around me. I couldn’t be happier to be invited back to share in this amazing BW experience with all of these incredible athletes and people that share a similar passion for life and living to their maximum potential.”
Secondly the international man of mystery Smith “Wolvermunk” Jean-Baptiste:
Pacer Mats Nord:
“Sedan 2001 har jag kontinuerligt sprungit. Det året genomförde jag mitt första Marathon och halvmarathon. Sedan dess har det bara blivit mer och mer. Det har blivit ett antal marathons, drygt 10 bergsorienteringslopp, 6 st 100milslopp, var av ett var UTMB 2013. Utöver det, en del andra traill och ultraopp. Jag gillar den fysiska och mentala utmaningen med löpningen, samt äventyret som det har med sig. Att få följa med som pacer och crew till Marcus ser jag som en ära och utmaning. Jag hoppas jag kan tillföra gruppen styrka, kunskap, stöttning och det viktigaste, skratt!
Since 2001 I have constantly run. That year, I conducted my first marathon and half-marathon. Since then, it has only become more and more. It has been a number of marathons, over 10 mountain orienteering races,6 100mile ultra race. One of them was UTMB in 2013. In addition, some other Traill and ultra races. I likethe physical and mental challenge runnning gives me and adventure as it has with them. Getting along as pacer and crew Marcus, I see as an honor and a challenge. I hope I can bring to the groupstrength, knowledge, support, and most important, laugh! ”
Pacer Henrik Lowemark:
“I am down to earth, humble and all around nice guy from the middle of Sweden that prefer to run at least 100 miles rather than run 1 mile, and I love to fika. One of my greatest strengths is that when I set my mind on something I really go through with it and never ever give up.
I have known Marcus for a long time and there is no doubt in my mind that he will achieve whatever he set his mind to, as he is the most stubborn son of a bitch that I know of. Personally I’m going to do everything that I can to help him achieve this dream of conquering Badwater.
I’m looking forward to an epic journey out there on the battlefield!”
Runner Marcus Berggren:
Instead of writing a presentation I will post the most interesting part of my application to run Badwater 135. The answer to the question ‘Why do you want to compete in the Badwater 135 Ultramarathon?’: ” Ever since I first heard of the race when reading the book Ultramarathon man in 2010 while training for my first marathon. It has been on my mind one way or an other. First it was something so long/hard/tough etc. that it almost did not seem real. However as time has gone by and I myself have increased my mileage and toughness it has grown into something else. First a thought that I one day might be able to do it. To thoughts of when am I going to be able to do it. To now where I am mostly wondering of how I am going to be able to get in so that I can run it. And I intend to not only run it. I intend to compete in it. To think that it has only been five years. The best five years of my life. The people I have met during the different races and in training. The personal gains gained through conquering what previously thought impossible. I have stopped using the word never. There was a time when I thought I would never be able to participate or compete in the Badwater 135. Now I can’t think of anything else. But on the other hand, I worry that the race will be the pinnacle of my ultrarunning career and that I will quit after having done it. There are so many feelings and thoughts that is going around in my body and I can not really get them down here ‘on paper’. When struggling at the end of Arrowhead the thought of that a good placement would increase my chances to getting into Badwater made me move forward. So thank you for that. You have already been part of my greatest moment (as of yet). I just want to stand there on the start line in Badwater and start running. A big grin on my face.”